A security researcher Amol Baikar form Pune, India has received an award of $55,000 for finding a bug in Facebook’s OAuth framework that can allow attackers to hijack and takeover user accounts.
The developers of PUBG apologized gamers for a month-long poor performance, crashing issues and connectivity problems on PC version of the game, blaming repetitive DDoS attacks on their servers.
The widely used two-factor authentication (2FA) app Google Authenticator has flaws that allow malware perpetrators to unlock a device and carry out unauthorised activities remotely.
Researchers from cybercrime monitoring firm “Under the Breach” spotted the 21.5GB of SQL data dump including the Indian tech news site BGR.in.
Banks and other financial organizations in Australia have been facing many targeted DDoS extortion campaigns over the past week.
Clearview AI , a facial recognition company whose database has over 3 billion photos, has suffered a massive data breach.